At 5:14 PM on 9/8/2003, Mark Wieder typed ...

M> Anyway, I figure Brook hangs around because either A) he can't figure
M> out how to unsubscribe and is too embarrassed to ask or B) he's hoping
M> that someday *somebody* will pipe up with how to get multiple accounts
M> working on TB. <g>

TB has lots of obscure features. After 3+ years with the program, I
still learn something new every now and then* (and there are several
areas I haven't even looked at). Somehow, though, I think anyone who
can't figure out multiple accounts on TB probably should be allowed
around a computer unsupervised.

*When I have time to read TBUDL, "now and then" means "about twice a

Bill Blinn Technology Editor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - 9/8/2003 at 5:20 PM
Technology Editor, Newsradio 610 WTVN, Columbus, Ohio
Using The Bat! v2.00.6 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1
Random thought: "I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy 
something." -- Jackie Mason
Featured speaker at PowerPoint Live - Tucson, Arizona
October 12-15, 2003 -

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