TF>>> Your choice is costing me money.
D>> And exactly how much extra is it costing you?

BBTE> Does it matter? Doing something that you know costs someone else money is
BBTE> rude, even if it's no more than one cent.

I regret the tone of my reply (D) above. Certainly in some parts of
the world this may be a very real issue. I wanted to defend myself
against TF who seemed to be accusing me of costing him money, which I
am not.

My point was that one should look at the facts, and discern the best
course of action to take based on those facts, rather than evoking
arguments to rationalise one's prejudicial viewpoint.

As my last contribution to this thread, I just want to say I have
found the discussion informative, but that I do not wish to be
identified (demonised) as someone who advocates HTML...I sense a lot
of strong feeling on the list about this. I do advocate informed
choice. Since coming to TB! I have been somewhat converted to plain text
myself, and like many who have contributed, find it more than adequate
for most of my mail. It still seems obvious to me that Ritlabs is making a
judgement about HTML in the way it has configured TB!, and if this is
a considered stance based on the principal of the thing, I applaud it


David Boggon


Developed nations constitute only 20% of the world's
population, yet consume 86% of the world's goods.
(source: UNHDR 2000/2001)

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