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Tuesday, September 09, 2003
4:23:19 PM (GMT -05:00)
RE: "HTML as default on v2.00 ...........?"

Greetings David,

On Tuesday, September 9, 2003, 2:54:05 PM, you wrote:

TF>>>> Your choice is costing me money.

D>>> And exactly how much extra is it costing you?

David> I regret the tone of my reply (D) above. Certainly in some parts of
David> the world this may be a very real issue. I wanted to defend myself
David> against TF who seemed to be accusing me of costing him money, which I
David> am not.

David> My point was that one should look at the facts, and discern the best
David> course of action to take based on those facts, rather than evoking
David> arguments to rationalise one's prejudicial viewpoint.

Sorry for the excessive quoting moderators but Thomas is right. It
depends solely on how you pay for your connection. Some broadband
(cable and DSL) providers, here in the U.S., have gone to a tiered
system where so much over xxxx MB or GB per month incur a cost above
and beyond the monthly charge. Also a business or individual running a
T1, T2 or T3 line pay a monthly charge on line cost and further pay a
bandwidth charge. With hundreds of HTML formatted e-mail messages
arriving monthly this builds up in in cost.

Thomas is absolutely correct as you have no clue what the receiver is
running for a connection and what they pay for such a connection.


Anyway ...

- --
 DG Raftery Sr.

I.R.S.: We've got what it takes to take what you've got!

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