On Wednesday, 10 September 2003, at 11:39:53 a.m., Sheldon Schuster wrote:

> When did you become a member of the Gestapo HMTL police? HTML is
> not a static entity--it is a dynamic changing standard that changes
> as new user interests and technology develope. Are you still using
> the text based UNIX e-mail of the early '90's?

Ummmm.  From the W3C HTML 4.01 Specification: "W3C Recommendation 24
December 1999".  Granted XHTML is around, but that is purely phrasing
HTML in XML terms.  Now, in this industry, you can't get much more
static than that!  What is *changing* is people's _use_ of this
standard.  The only major thing wrong with the original HTML spec was
the lack of a separate presentation mechanism.  That was recognised
and corrected nearly *seven* years ago (CSS 1 = December 1996).

It is really only poor browser technology that has held back the
standards revolution.  Just because graphic tables are mainstream,
doesn't make them right.

And *yes I am* using 'text based Unix email'! So are you!! Where do you
think TCP/IP, POP and SMTP came from?? Under the covers it is still
doing the same thing. It's still there because it works.  Just putting
some HTML in there doesn't change the underlying transport layers.

Elsewhere it has been said this is going quite OT.  I tend to agree.
But then certain moderators are leaping into the fray with vigour.  I
shall continue on-list unless moderated otherwise.



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