Hi ken,

on Sat, 20 Sep 2003, at 22:17:13 local time (GMT -0500), you wrote:

kg> I have tried entering the list of addresses in the signal strings box,
kg> as well as using a text file and checking 'load signal strings from a
kg> file' - in both cases, each address/domain was listed on a new line, and
kg> the Advanced tab options were: Action: Kill and Detection method: Any
kg> strings match.

what did you put in 'Detect by' on the 'Rule' tab ??

i'm using a text-file with a bunch of subject-lines used by daemons to
bounce mail, to kill replies to non-existing addresses on my account by
flagging 'subject' and it works like a charm ...

using The Bat! 2.00.6
on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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