Hello Jurgen & other TB! list members following this thread,

On Monday, September 22, 2003 Jurgen responded to my saying the

>> I link all accounts to the same text file, which I continue to
>> lengthen whenever new Spam mongers are found. This is much easier
>> that adding strings to each and every separate account.

JH> could you maybe share this file with me? I am going along the
JH> same line, and am always interested in catch-phrases :-)

Sure - I assume you want it sent directly to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I probably have a couple of versions, since I haven't been
transferring the strings added to the desktop computer's text file
to the laptop and vice versa, and I can't recall if I added the
strings that were put in each account's filter manager before
deciding to do a .txt file

But the main thing I wanted to say is that my most important
filtering device is my eyeball, and I can spot extraneous &
unexpected mail rather quickly. One of the major clues is the size
column, sine no virus is going to come in with a size like these
messages have.

For instance: I just manually killed two of Microsoft Patch viruses
on the server, one of which said "error message". It's also easy to
notice that the one that said "Microsoft" didn't in fact come from
Microsoft, as the headers showed. If the headers were correct, a
friend of mine in Guadalajara has an infected computer, so I'll drop
him a note to let him know.

The Spam file contains the usual words like mortgage, loan, viagra,
and sex as well as the domains these things came from, but I can
send it on if you really think it will do you any good.

The beauty of the Mail Dispatcher is the fact that I can review and
rectify all that comes in, so that some things marked for deletion
are downloaded, and some things marked for downloading are deleted.

In general however, the selective download filter and Spam.txt file
save me some time. This is why I hesitate to use a service that
figures out these things for me. I want to use my own judgement in
real time. For instance, I just downloaded one of those things from
Africa asking for help getting X millions of dollars out of the
country, just because it was so ingeniously written. (Obviously, I
have no intention on following through on that though, and I get
lots of these scams that are killed on the server).



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