Hello tbudl,

I'm organizing mail by projects. So, here's how my folder tree looks
like: (they are all in the same account)

+-- project_a
+-- project_b
+-- ...

The idea is, i setup some filters in sorting office to sort
project-related email into their own folders. this works well, though
sometimes i have to manually move a mail from inbox to project folder
because not all mails can be automatically filtered and manual review
might be needed.

I have a question now: the incoming mail will be correctly put into
the project folder, but all outgoing mails are put into the same
"sent" folder. this makes archive and loookup a little more difficult.
What I try to do is:

+-- project_a
|   +-- out
+-- project_b
|   +-- out

The "outgoing" rule I want to setup is: If original mail is in folder
"x", the reply/forward of this mail should goto "x\out".

Is this possible in thebat? or i have to look for some trick?

Thanks in advance.

(Using The Bat! v2.00.22 on Windows NT Clone 5.2 Build 3790 )

Best regards,
 Samson                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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