Hello Samson,

Tuesday, September 30, 2003, 7:47:53 PM, you wrote:

> I have a question now: the incoming mail will be correctly put into
> the project folder, but all outgoing mails are put into the same
> "sent" folder. this makes archive and loookup a little more difficult.
> What I try to do is:

> projects
> |
> +-- project_a
> |   +-- out
> +-- project_b
> |   +-- out
> ...

> The "outgoing" rule I want to setup is: If original mail is in folder
> "x", the reply/forward of this mail should goto "x\out".

> Is this possible in thebat? or i have to look for some trick?

I do not think that this is possible but maybe this will work.

1) You can enter a new headerfield in your mail called projectid
2) You  can also make a reply template that gives this projectid the name
   of the folder where you answered the original message.
3) Then you can filter on projectid for outgoing mails.

You  can  extent  this  by maken the header editable so you can use it
also for new mails. (You should then of course give it the name of the
folder it should go to).

You  can,  if  you make it editable, use an other projectid (a number)
and not put in the foldername. Comes down to the same.

How to do it:
1) Options > preference > Message headers.
Then  AD,  Name: Project RFCname: ProjectID (no address field / can be
edit / no scroll.

2) ad the following line to your reply template

   Please  determin first which template you use. The default account,
   the  folder,  the group (in addressbook) or the person template (in

3) filter in kludges op Projectid: (foldername)

IF  you  use this you should answer the messages in the project folder
where  it  belongs because the %FOLDERNAME part takes the name of that

Any good?


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