On Thu, 9 Oct 2003 19:44:50 +0100, "Julian Beach (Lists)"
> Hello TB! Users,
> Has anyone see Woody's Email Essentials yet?  This is another free
> e-zine from the Woody's Office Watch stable, and all about Email.
> At the moment the e-zine is very Outlook and OE focussed, but they do
> mention other clients. Perhaps they need some comments from TBUDL
> about the best email client there is, as it is a pity that so many of
> their readers don't know about TB!

Myself, I'm planning on switching back to TB! once IMAP support works to
my liking...  I did go ahead and shell out the $17.50 for the upgrade
from 1.XX to 2.xx though, since I know that it WILL get fixed.  Till
then, I'll just use fastmail's web interface... Which is probably the
second best email client I've seen yet... It's a close thing though.


Using Fastmail on the Web in IE6 at Work. :)
David Calvarese

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