On Friday, October 10, 2003, 12:51:09 AM, Gordon Woolf wrote:

> No hope for it here. In the latest issue editor Rose Vines writes:

>> There are no good reasons for putting your reply beneath the original.
>> First, it forces the recipient to scroll to the bottom, a waste of
>> time. Second, if the recipient habitually replies above the original,
>> as most people do, there's a good chance they'll fail to see your
>> reply altogether and simply assume you hit the Send button before you
>> started typing. You'll look dumb, then they'll look dumb. No-one will
>> be happy. Third, your reply won't show up in the preview pane.

Yes, I noticed that one, although to be fair, the overall conclusion
is that your quoting style should match the needs of the recipient,
not not be fixed.  I have a top quoting template for use on work
emails, as people like to preserve a message history at the bottom of
a message, and think that I have forgotten to reply if I bottom quote.
In line quoting is perfect for mailing lists, but confuses many

I will continue to subscribe for a bit, and hopefully manage to get a
mention of The Bat in the e-zine myself!


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