Allie Martin wrote:
kg>> I have it set for fast connection. RE: dragging and dropping to
kg>> another folder - I will confirm, but yes, I believe the behavior
kg>> you describe is what is happening.

> In the mail management setup for the account properties, do you have
> the 'autoconnect to server' options checked for all those options. In
> this way, when you do anything with an IMAP folder, a sync operation
> is done to update the server?

No.  I had auto-connect for -managing folders and -when account is
selected.  NOT -by any command.  Will try that and report back.

kg>> When a folder is created, you have the choice of whether is syncs
kg>> or not. If no, it remains local only, right? If it is synched with
kg>> the server, it gets created on the server, right?

> I've been wondering about this. From what I've been seeing, it would
> seem that creating a root folder for an IMAP account leads to a
> corresponding IMAP folder being created at the server level.

At what point does the folder's synchronization settings take over?  If
a folder is set to synch and it doesn't exist on the server, shouldn't
it then get created?  Or should it be created on the server first, or
through Folder management, etc.?

> But then again, I only create folders at home and I do full sync's
> with all folders at home. Maybe this is why corresponding server side
> folders are being created. I'll do some testing later.

Not sure what you mean by at home or why that would be different.
(unless you are referring to that fact that you are not now at home and
will check later when you *are* at home....)

kg>> Yes, I can *manually* move messages to common folders.  I was
kg>> trying to move messages to common folders with an auto-filter.

> Stick a pin! :)


> Now, I didn't realize that you're trying to filter from an IMAP folder
> to a common folder. I've never tried this and will try this later.
> Have you tried auto-filtering to another IMAP folder? I do that a lot
> and it works.

Actually, yes.  I believe filtering to another folder WITHIN THAT
ACCOUNT does in fact work.  Will double-check, but I'm pretty sure that
was one of my tests and it worked.

> TB! doesn't filter across IMAP accounts and may very well not filter
> to common folders.

This explains why I cannot filter to common folders.  By their very
nature, common folders don't "belong" to any account.  It appears that
common folders and IMAP are not going to dance together.  I can live
with that.

>  Can you manually filter from the IMAP INBOX to a
> common folder?

You keep mentioning "manually filter" and it is confusing me.  Aside
from selecting the "Re-filter messages from a folder right-click" I
don't know how you would *manually* filter.  And the re-filter messages
option is grayed out for all IMAP accounts.  Is it available to you?

kg>> I had set up a hierarchy of folders that were outside my mail
kg>> accounts. For me, this was the best way to organize business mail
kg>> as well as personal projects, because the source messages didn't
kg>> always come from the same account. I didn't want my folders "tied"
kg>> to a specific mail account.

kg>> Perhaps this isn't a good way to do things when using IMAP?

> Perhaps not now, when the facility for auto-filtering to common folders
> hasn't been dealt with.

If you cannot filter across accounts, then filtering to common folders
isn't going to happen.  But if filtering across accounts will become
available in the future, I don't see why filtering to common folders
couldn't be implemented as well.

The problem I see with filtering across accounts is the heavier traffic
and server load.  Is it substantially more complicated?

kg>> Read filters are only working half-way for me.  I can get the
kg>> messages colored, but not moved to a common folder.

> I have bad news. When they're moved, they lose their colour change. :/
> This problem is known and ways to get around this is being looked at.

kg>> You are correct.  I forgot about that.  I actually set up a bunch of
kg>> filters that way once before, but removed them because 1.62r wasn't
kg>> synching folders properly and I couldn't download messages that had been
kg>> filtered.  But I bet v2 will utilize server-side filters exactly how I
kg>> want.  Hmmm....

> They will work. However, the filtering can only be done to server side
> folders and not your local common folders.

kg>> Server-side filtering is a really good idea......

> It's great for me.

kg>> Thanks again for all your help.

> No prob. :)

[Below is your post from TBOT.  What started out as my (off-topic)
frustration and worry about IMAP in general has grown into a
Bat-specific discussion, so I thought I'd continue here.  Besides, I was
getting confused going back and forth!]

allie_M wrote:
kg>> Your advice later is good.  I am going to do my best to get IMAP as
kg>> functional as I can (working with the limitations of The Bat) and
kg>> then decide.

> Good. Get those server side filters going.

The problem I may run into (and this may be because of the new "real"
implementation of IMAP) is that for my business account, I have a filter
that redirects messages to my cell phone, giving me a notification of
when I get an e-mail.  99% of the time, the small amount of info sent is
enough for me (my carrier truncates messages that are too long/too big).

Of course, this requires leaving my desktop running, checking for mail
every nn minutes.  Is there an equivalent with IMAP settings?  It looks
like you can refresh a folder while connected, and that may work, but
it's too easy to get DISconnected.  If I check the account from another
machine, the connection is terminated.  Will it reconnect with the
refresh setting?  If not, then the functionality I am describing (filter
to cell phone) isn't going to work.  (this is me making things
difficult, I know...)

> Explore the different sync operations. See how quick your server is at
> sync'ing and doing move/copy/delete/compress operations.

I will.  This may make a big difference in what I'm seeing and how
things are working.

Also..  (get ready to roll your eyes...)  I have been testing on my
laptop, right?  Well, guess what genius was testing on his laptop with
accounts that were also being hit by the desktop running 1.62r...  At
the very least, this screwed up read flags.  Who knows what other
trouble this caused.  I will remember to shut down the desktop while
testing on the laptop.

kg>> RE: received mail, it's quite a bit, although the bulk of that is
kg>> mailing lists like this one. Do you use IMAP for everything,
kg>> including mailing lists?

> Yes. *Everything*. :)

Assuming that (like me) most of that mail would not contain attachments,
running into server space problems won't be an issue.  It would be nice
to access all of the TBUDL list I have downloading since joining from
wherever I am.  Wouldn't the initial sync be a killer?  Yikes!  Also,
how does this affect searching?  When you search on a IMAP folder,
you're are searching the local copy, correct?  Is the search then the
same speed/efficiency as searching a POP account folder with the same
number of messages?

This last issue is the main reason I have kept all mailing list mail

kg>> Yes.  I considered using a different client for travel/laptop and
kg>> keeping TB for my desktop, but that just seemed like I was inviting
kg>> *more* complication, not less.

> Not really. One of the beauties of IMAP is that you can run multiple
> IMAP clients at the same time. Just fire up one and configure it.
> Manage your mail with it and fire up another. I've had Mulberry and
> TB! running at the same time. Same for ThunderBird and TB!.

Mulberry is supposed THE premier GUI-based IMAP client.  Personally, I
liked the simplicity and "feel" of Becky.  You are currently using only
The Bat, though, right?  Why/how did you come to that conclusion?

kg>> As we have discussed elsewhere, I can live with not auto filtering
kg>> on INBOX for now. Sound alerts for new mail aren't that important
kg>> to me, either. But I do use message color groups, and they seem to
kg>> be working fine for me (?)

> Until you colour and move to another folder. Upon moving to the other
> folder, the colouring is lost. Or has that been fixed?

I was using the color groups as part of a test filter.  I generally use
color groups on messages that have already been filtered and are sitting
in the correct box (ex: threads I want to watch, etc.)  I can still do
that, right?

I just tested this... strange....

Two messages that passed my previous test filter are colored red (they
were supposed to be colored red and moved to a common folder, but the
only changed color).  I select one of those messages and move it to the
common folder.  Go to folder, message is there - STILL RED.

Next, I try moving the other one to a folder within the same account. It
won't go.  Nothing happens.  I try moving with the mouse, and using
Ctrl-V but the message just stays there.  I re-sync all folders.  Same
thing - no moving. So I try moving this same message to the common
folder and it gets dropped (drag & drop) immediately, just like I

Huh?  Any guesses as to what is going on there?

Shut down TB, restart, refresh folders.  Try moving test message (from
above) from common folder to folder within account.  Now it moves,
although the color does get lost.  Disconnected and connected again.
Turned on "Automatically connect by any command" and things seemed to
start working better.

At least I have a better idea of what those damn angle brackets mean.
When I moved the test message to a different folder (that previously had
two messages) the total message count said 2 <3> so I assume the angle
brackets indicate a local (temporary) count that will get updated upon
connection/sync.  Sure enough, when I sync'd the folder, Total message
count was simply: 3.

kg>> The important question is: is IMAP working as much as it can
kg>> *within the limitations of The Bat* worth my while?

> Yes, and I have a feeling that this hasn't been fully explored.

Setting the connect by any command has already opened up some
understanding for me. I need to thing in terms of what I'm looking at is
a "snapshot" that updates the server when I sync.

 Ken Green
 Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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