Search for:
rg>>>>    chicken&soup
PC>>> searched using that method, found 18 messages
rg>>>>     chicken & soup
PC>>> searched using this method found 17 messages...
rg>> Brings up more questions than it answered for me!
PC> the answer is simple:) keep the searches to one word;0) I've never
PC> really tried a complex search on an email. You want complex, I'll
PC> show you some INFORMIX report queries<G>

HEY! That's GREAT! You've volunteered to write informix queries for my
email searches then!!

Seriously, 2 words does not a complex search make. If I need to
*RELIABLY* find the email where I invited JANIS to the DANCE (only
want emails where BOTH those words exist):

1) how should I enter the search strings? Is example 1 or 2 above
correct? They report different matches!

2) Is it different from version to version?


Current version is 2.04.04 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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