Hello TBUDL,

what do you think about a general filter (like <Known>) where you
select a destination folder and mark contacts from you address book(s)
that you'd like to have moved to a special folder?
This filter would then check for the marked AB contacts and move these
mails to a subfolder of the one that you defined in the filter.

The filters setup would look kinda like this:

Move to: <folder>
For: [x] Incoming [x] Outgoing
     [ ] Read     [ ] Replied
Name of subfolders: [ ] Firstname  [ ] First Lastname
                    [ ] Handle     [ ] Displayname
                    [ ] ...

..and somewhere the expandable AB where you can select which contacts
you want to be processed.

I would simply have to setup a common folder like "personal", activate
this filter and mark the contacts that I write most to and would have
a very comfortable mailing situation, without setting
incoming/outgoing filters for every contact I want to be treated that

I like that idea A LOT and am sure that it would be a great feature
for the upcoming new filter system.

Input, please..

http://www.thequod.de ICQ#152282665
GnuPG/PGP key: http://thequod.de/danielhahler.asc

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