Hello Allie,

> Shoe-horning is a loose way of saying that you go around the bend to
> make something do what it isn't really designed to do.

OK, thanks for the explanation.

> In this context you install MyGate and create sophisticated filters
> that probably required some serious thought in their formulation, all
> in a effort to do what a news client would easily do. In the end,
> though it may work for you, it's still not as elegant or functional a
> solution as one that's specialized for the job.

Why? TB _is_ dealing with e-mail anyway, and it is not "asked" to do
anything that it can't do with normal e-mail from a mailing list.
MyGate, a separate program, not even a TB plugin, does all "the nasty
work". Actually, I even forget I'm dealing with newsgroups. They are
just another mailing list to me.

In regards to "sophisticated filters", if you are referring to my
"Ignore" functionality, once again I will say I created that for mailing
lists like this one, before I started using TB for newsgroups. I had
that functionality in VA, I though it was useful, and found an "awkward"
way of "implementing" it for TB with the aid of PowerPro. If TB had had
the capability of macros VA had (basically recording keystrokes and
assigning the sequence to toolbar buttons) I would have needed PowerPro.

> It doesn't matter to me either way if TB! manages news except for the
> potential problem of focus. IMAP support is an added task for
> providing development and technical support energy.

Even if I don't use IMAP myself, I am not so stupid to not understand
that IMAP should have much higher priority than NNTP. I may be crazy,
but not stupid. :)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v2.04.7

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