Martin Webster, [MW] wrote:

MW> I agree. I originally subscribed to the list because I wanted to
MW> learn more about TB! Opting for a news group could deter new users
MW> from joining our community.

Sure, but one shouldn't force someone to join a mailing list if they
don't want. The best arrangement is one of choice.

MW> Although this is a busy list it's by no means high volume
MW> vis-à-vis SuSE mailing lists... and there are plenty of news
MW> groups available to SuSE users yet many prefer lists.

Considering a list as being low or high volume is largely subjective.

MW> I like lists, TB! handles them very well and I really don't want to have
MW> a news reader on my system without good reason. TB! is the nerve centre
MW> of my PC!

These lists will always be available. We're simply considering
mirroring the posts to an NNTP server where those who wish to use a
news client to manage list traffic may do so.

The community will always be there as they do exist on newsgroups as

     -= allie_M =- | List Moderator
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