Hello Melissa,

On Tue, 23 Mar 2004 19:26:51 -0800 GMT (24/03/2004, 10:26 +0700 GMT),
Melissa Reese wrote:

MR> This has *never* been a problem for me in the past, but recently, it
MR> has begun to happen. Whenever TB! is checking for new mail, while CPU
MR> usage does go up to 30% or so, it isn't until the very end of the
MR> process that it spikes up to 100%, and for a few moments, my mouse is
MR> virtually uncontrollable.

I don't have percentages, I use Win98. But yes, I encounter it more
frequently now that not only the mouse gets "uncontrollable", but
rather the whole screen freezes for a couple of seconds.

I put it down to my OS (last reinstall 3 years ago, as I cannot do it
alone - all dialogues are in Chinese), and I am split-minded between
upgrading to XP Pro or a unix flavour (Xandros or Apple OS-X).

MR> Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

No help - just commisery from my side. Opening some folders, or
hitting enter when on a message in the message list, causes the same
freeze for a couple of seconds. But only on my home system, where TB
has been upgraded through releases and beta versions for the last 5
years. No suchs problem in the office, XP Pro with a fresh install of
TB, only once upgraded to the current version. Oh, and the folders in
the office are as large as the ones at home.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

"I tested this program in the presence of a certified child labourer,
and she went crazy over it. " - Wanda Sloan in a software review for
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Message reply created with The Bat! 2.04.7
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 2222 A 
using a Pentium P4 1.7 GHz, 256MB RAM

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