Dear Greg,

@16-May-2004, 15:35 -0500 (16-May 21:35 UK time) Greg Strong [GS] in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Marck:

GS> ... I do like your Grandfather/Father/Son backup, but the 7-Zip
GS> incremental backup better because it is MUCH FASTER.

Alright. How about this hybrid version then?

,------/ Incremental version of GFS 7z backup system \------
@Echo on
Echo  ************************************************
Echo  * !!  Updating Backup Archive of TB-Mail    !! *
Echo  ************************************************

set archiver="C:\Program Files\Accessories\7-Zip\7z.exe"
set drv=c:
set dstdir=Drive D\Misc\TB\
set srcdir=Program Files\Internet\TB\
set archive=b1
if not exist "%drv%\%name%" goto doit
if "%archive%"=="b4" goto runout
if "%archive%"=="b3" set archive=b4
if "%archive%"=="b2" set archive=b3
if "%archive%"=="b1" set archive=b2
goto loop
set archive=b1
del %drv%\%name%


if "%archive%"=="b4" set prev=b3
if "%archive%"=="b3" set prev=b2
if "%archive%"=="b2" set prev=b1
if "%archive%"=="b1" set prev=b4

cd \
"\%srcdir%thebat.exe" /EXIT

copy "%drv%\" "%drv%\%name%"
%archiver% u -tzip %dstdir%%name% -up0q0r2x1y2z1w2 %srcdir%* -r -x!*.7z -x!*.exe 
-x!*.dll -x!*.bmp -x!*.hlp -x!*.gid -x!*.tip -x!*.txt -x!*.zip
regedit /e "%drv%\%srcdir%tbreg.reg" hkey_current_user\software\rit
%archiver% a -tzip %name% %srcdir%tbreg.reg
del %dstdir%tbreg.reg

if "%archive%"=="b4" set archive=b1
if "%archive%"=="b3" set archive=b4
if "%archive%"=="b2" set archive=b3
if "%archive%"=="b1" set archive=b2
del %name%
cd %srcdir%
start thebat /NOLOGO
`------\ End /------

Cheers -- //.arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v2.11 Beta/5 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

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