Hello Thomas,

Sunday, May 16, 2004, 4:17:01 AM, Thomas Andersson wrote:

TA> Is there a way to use the Windows scheduler or make
TA> The Bat! perform a backup every time I exit the program?

Yes is the short answer. The batch file below will create a rotating
grandfather, father, and son backup. You may want to copy one set of the
backup files (i.e. program & mail base either in zip or 7z format) to
another name to create a base line set of files.

So here is what I did.

1) Need a compression utility with command line capability.  I used
   7-Zip, http://www.7-zip.org/, other have used WinRar. 7-Zip is a FREE
   compression utility. I've test it successfully many times. It has
   saved my bacon sort to speak a few times.

2) Placed copy of the backup batch file in program directory.  It is
   important to understand this backup batch file backs up all 3
   critical areas of TB which are the program directory, the mail
   directory, and RIT registry in windows.  Depending upon what OS you
   are using (i.e. NT version) you may have to provide additional rights
   to the user to facilitate backing up ALL 3 critical areas. I use 2
   types of users on WinXP Pro which are admin and limited user
   belonging to power user group. See the batch file below.

3) Create a shortcut to a batch file which starts TB and the backup
   batch file created in #2 above. It is important that in the shortcut
   properties in "start in" you put the program directory of TB
   otherwise TB will run concurrently with the backup. You don't want
   the backup to start until you exit which the "start in" issue clears
   up. See the batch file below.

Thanks to Marck I've made some changes to his batch file to coincide
with my configuration of having my TB program and mail base on separate
partitions/drives. I should also state there were some other nuances in
Marck's batch file that did not work for me. This maybe how my PC's
configured or who knows (ie. my mistake?). I believe Lief also provided
some help on programs running concurrently. IIRC Marck's batch creates a
base line grandfather which does NOT change.  I didn't like this logic
because I wanted the rotating version of the grandfather/father/son

In response to Marck I should also comment up front that I use the "7z"
compression format rather than the "zip" format used in Marck's batch
file. So depending upon which compression utility you use you will have
to make the appropriate changes to the batch file. Some people use
Winrar where I used 7-Zip which is a free compression utility available
on the web at http://www.7-zip.org/. Using the 7-Zip compression utility
using the UPDATE feature on a mail base of approximately 910 MB and 10
MB of program directory took approximately 4 minutes to do an
incremental backup which facilitates backing up on exit. I tested the
batch by deleting all remnants of TB from system (ie. program directory,
mail directory, & registry) and restoring which also took about 4
minutes on the 910 MB mail base. These times can vary depending upon the
change in the mail base.

I believe I left echo on as provided by Marck in his original version.
However you may want to turn it off after you are confident any changes
made work properly for your configuration of TB on your PC. I am the
only users on this PC, however IIRC for newer users who have recently
installed TB with multiple profiles I believe the mail base changes for
each user.  So multiple versions of the shortcut and backup file will be
required for each user on a PC that desires a backup.

----------#2 Incremental TB Backup Batch File (Name: TBigfs.bat)----->>
cd \
Path C:\Windows;C:\Program Files\7-ZIP
rem Echo off
Echo on
Echo  *******************************
Echo  *    !! Updating Backup !!    *
Echo  * !! Archive of TB-Program !! *
Echo  *******************************
rem set archiver=C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe
set drvPm=c:
set drvBU=x:
set dstdir=TBArchives\
set srcdirPM=Program files\The Bat!\
set srcdirMl=AppsBase\MAIL\
set archive=b1
set namePgm=%dstdir%tbIcPm%archive%.7z
if not exist "%drvBU%\%namePgm%" goto doitPg
if "%archive%"=="b4" goto runoutPg
if "%archive%"=="b3" set archive=b4
if "%archive%"=="b2" set archive=b3
if "%archive%"=="b1" set archive=b2
goto loopPgrm
set archDel=b1
set nameDel=%dstdir%tbIcPm%archDel%.7z
del %drvBU%\%nameDel%
regedit /e "%drvPm%\%srcdirPM%tbreg.reg" hkey_current_user\software\rit
cd \
if "%archive%"=="b4" set prev=b3
if "%archive%"=="b3" set prev=b2
if "%archive%"=="b2" set prev=b1
if "%archive%"=="b1" set prev=b4

cd \

copy %drvBU%\%dstdir%tbIcPm%prev%.7z %drvBU%\%namePgm%
7z u -ms=off %drvBU%\%namePgm% -up0q0r2x1y2z1w2 "%srcdirPM%*" -r
cd %srcdirPM%
del tbreg.reg
cd \

if "%archive%"=="b4" set archDel=b1
if "%archive%"=="b3" set archDel=b4
if "%archive%"=="b2" set archDel=b3
if "%archive%"=="b1" set archDel=b2
set namePgm=%drvBU%\%dstdir%tbIcPm%archDel%.7z
del %namePgm%

cd \

cd %srcdirMl%
Echo  *****************************
Echo  *   !! Updating Backup !!   *
Echo  *  !! Archive of TB-Mail !! *
Echo  *****************************
set archMl=b1
set nameMl=%dstdir%tbIcMl%ArchMl%.7z
if not exist "%drvBU%\%nameMl%" goto doitMl
if "%archMl%"=="b4" goto runoutMl
if "%archMl%"=="b3" set archMl=b4
if "%archMl%"=="b2" set archMl=b3
if "%archMl%"=="b1" set archMl=b2
goto loopMail
set archDlMl=b1
set namDlMl=%dstdir%tbIcMl%archDlMl%.7z
del %drvBU%\%namDlMl%
cd \
if "%archMl%"=="b4" set prevMl=b3
if "%archMl%"=="b3" set prevMl=b2
if "%archMl%"=="b2" set prevMl=b1
if "%archMl%"=="b1" set prevMl=b4
cd \
copy %drvBU%\%dstdir%tbIcMl%prevMl%.7z %drvBU%\%nameMl%
7z u -ms=off %drvBU%\%nameMl% -up0q0r2x1y2z1w2 "%srcdirMl%*" -r
if "%archMl%"=="b4" set archDlMl=b1
if "%archMl%"=="b3" set archDlMl=b4
if "%archMl%"=="b2" set archDlMl=b3
if "%archMl%"=="b1" set archDlMl=b2
set nameMl=%drvBU%\%dstdir%tbIcMl%archDlMl%.7z
del %nameMl%
cd %srcdirPM%
----------#2 Incremental TB Backup Batch File (Name: TBigfs.bat)-----<<

-----------------#3 Batch File TB Shortcut (Name: StartTB.bat) ------>>
"C:\program files\the bat!\thebat.exe"
Call TBigfs.bat
-----------------#3 Batch File TB Shortcut (Name: StartTB.bat) ------<<

BTW Marck, one of the things I could not get to work was the variable
you set up for the program called "archiver". Anyhow "7z" is much
shorter than the variable name, and IIRC 7-Zip is a little fidgety in
that you need to compress from the root directory which is fine because
to restore all you have to do is indicate the drive because all of the
paths are included in the backup. What can I say other than it works for

Best Regards,
Greg Strong   

Using The Bat! v2.11 Beta/9 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

The question in life is not whether you will have problems, but how you
deal with them.

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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