Hello Greg,

Sunday, May 16, 2004, 2:11:50 PM, you wrote:

GS> I also use a grandfather, father, son backup routine which Marck posted
GS> on TBOT. This keeps the grandfather backup and rotates the father / son
GS> backup. It is a complete backup from start to finish, and takes about 20
GS> minutes to run on my PC (P4 2.4 Ghz with 500 MB RAM). I'll post the
GS> batch file below and you can modify to your TB configuration.

GS> If TB has no way to call a batch file on exit, does anybody know how to
GS> create this functionality?

No problem. TB is just one program in your batch file. Put it at the
top, and the rest of the commands will run along after.

What was the Subject of the original discussion on Tbot?

GS> =======================Incremental b/u TB.Bat========================>>
GS> Path C:\Windows;C:\Program Files\7-ZIP;C:\Program Files\The Bat!
GS> regedit /e "X:\TBArchives\tbreg.reg" hkey_current_user\software\rit
GS> copy X:\TBArchives\tbreg.reg

This can't be from a working batch file. Since many of your pathnames
are not quoted. So the later ones should fail.

GS> @Echo off
GS> Echo  ************************************************
GS> Echo  * !!  Updating Backup Archive of TB-Mail    !! *
GS> Echo  *      Mail located in X:\AppsBase\MAIL        *
GS> Echo  *   (Mail Base is X:\TBArchives\tbMail7z.7z)   *
GS> Echo  ************************************************
GS> x:
GS> cd x:\
GS> 7z u -ms=off x:\TBArchives\tbMail_X_7z.7z -up0q0r2x1y2z1w2 "AppsBase\MAIL\*" -r

What would be the meaning of this part        ^^^^?

Best regards,

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