Hello rich,

Friday, June 4, 2004, 5:38:08 PM, you wrote:

B>> Smileys and Chat- can anyone tell me why Ritlabs has added these
B>> silly features to its awesome mailer? Smileys seems like something
B>> straight out of AOL's cheesy mailer, and those of us that actually
B>> use instant messaging are probably not going to ditch what we
B>> currently use in favor of Mail Chat anytime soon.

rg> While I agree that neither should have taken a front seat to
rg> developing other features I do not think I am nearly as offended as
rg> you by either.

rg> My take on Smileys and mail chat: If they are mail client specific
rg> then they are completely useless.

rg> If I send 100 emails out with Smileys, chances are (guessing) 60 are
rg> going to Outlook, 30 to Netscape (AOL), and the other 10 to Eudora,
rg> Pegasus, The Bat!, etc. If they only mail clients to see my Smileys
rg> are TB! clients then it is a complete waste of time and resources.

Who can see the smileys other than BAT readers?

rg> Same deal with mail chat if I cannot chat cross-platform then it too
rg> is a complete waste.

rg> What happens when I get an email that contains (c) for copy-written
rg> material I do not want to see a cup of coffee. (I would however
rg> welcome a beer for (b) in a bulleted list!)

B>> Did anyone actually request these features? There are many fine
B>> suggestions on the wishlist and I can't believe that these two
B>> stood out above the rest. Why doesn't Ritlabs just give its user
B>> base what they ask for instead of bloating their program with this
B>> stuff? Or at least give us the option of installing it as a
B>> feature.

rg> Boy, I have to agree completely on this! I have not only requested new
rg> features but placed unresolved bug reports as well.   :(

rg> Rich

rg> P.S. The only reason I cannot agree with your first statement above
rg> (that TB! is "awesome") is due to the seeming disregard the user
rg> community's issues. Aside from that TB! is still my mailer of choice
rg> (warts and all, as they say).

Agree fully. The only salvation is that smileys can be disengaged and using
MicroEd editor. Chat I guess can be disregarded. Still it is an effort to
add to the program instead of using the effort to add other useful features
and bug corrections.

Best regards,

Peter Kerekes (Toronto, Canada) 

Maturity is knowing when and where to be immature. 

TB! v2.11.02 and BayesIt! 0.5.5 on Windows 98 SE4.10.1998 A

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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