Allie Martin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> How about a large office setting users are on an LAN and behind a
> proxy and cannot use the usual chat software. All in the office use
> TB!. Mail chat would work well there.

True, but you could use the same argument to justify an IRC client, a
download manager, almost anything. A chat is fundamentally different
from email in that it's immediate, while email is a "deferred" model
of communication. One reason I use email is that I have no use
whatsoever for chat. Written conversation is s-l-o-w, almost always a
waste of time, and is hard to schedule across time zones. In my
opinion, a chat feature is bloat, since there's so much (free) chat
software already available anyway. It certainly isn't something that
will persuade me to pay for an upgrade again.

- May I help you?
- Hi, I'm looking for a mail client.
- We have a great one here, with chat function and reminders. It can
even create HTML messages!
- Uh, I just want an email client, thanks. What about a web browser?
- Try this one, sir, it has an email client, a news client and a chat
module, and..
- <sigh>

Best regards,

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