Howdy Marc,

Saturday, June 5, 2004, 3:25:51 PM, Marc wrotened:

B>> Smileys and Mail Chat- can anyone tell me why Ritlabs has added these
B>> silly features to its awesome mailer? [...]

Marc> Microsoftitis.  Tragic, usually fatal corporate disease.

Because  of  course  Microsoft  are  spiraling  out  of fiscal control
towards  bankruptcy. I think that RitLabs are simply trying to broaden
the userbase, with some cute bells and whistles, if you dont like them
dont  use  them.  There  have been ongoing improvements in some of the
more major bugs, and doubtless these will eventually be fixed.

B>>  I certainly hope this isn't an indication of what's to come for
B>>  The Bat!.

It  was  something  that  got  added  in  the spare time of one of the
programmers,  it  isnt the end of the world, in fact it is quite cute,
but  if  you dont like it, turn it off. Wonderful thing about options,
you can choose.

(hehehehe that tag line was random)

Have Fun,
|>      |>
|>en is |\ohop

crashing The Bat! v2.11.02
falling out of mid air with Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 1 

It's not how you die that matters. It's who you take with you.

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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