Hello Roelof,

On Monday, June 28, 2004, 12:10:51 AM, you wrote:

R> EVD> The message has this in the header:
R> EVD> Content-type: multipart/alternative;
R> EVD> Is this the problem?

R> It might be.
R> Those messages have 'next part' separator headers and TB will probably
R> ignore those with the %headers macro.
R> Nevertheless, exporting it as unix box should enable you to export,
R> edit and import the message.
I've used edxor (nice editor) and edit the message.
It works, but I must remember to edit the HTML part and the text
part. (ad first I did not see changes because I only did the text
part but display always the HTML part when that is in the

Thanks a lot for the help.

Will there be a standard editing option in the future or is this
not an option due to security reasons?


Communicating with TB! v2.11.02, Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your
mouth and remove all doubt.  (Samuel Clemens)

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