On Tuesday, July 6, 2004, 9:16:40 AM, Jim McMaster wrote:

> On Monday, July 5, 2004, 11:04:04 AM, Paul Cartwright wrote:

>> On Monday, July 5, 2004, 12:41 PM, you wrote:

JM>>> I have been evaluating TB for two weeks, and have found a
JM>>> show-stopper that will prevent my using it.  

>> Zone alarm is known
>> to cause major issues with TB. Period.

> I checked their website, and they report problems when ZoneAlarm
> and an antivirus program both check email attachments for viruses. 
> I had both enabled.  I turned off McAfee's checking, and had no
> problems for a day.  Now I have disabled ZoneAlarm's checking and
> re-enabled McAfee's to see what happens.  I will report findings in
> a couple of days.

Final report on this.  With ZoneAlarm's attachment checking turned off and McAfee's 
turned on, I still got lockups.  I deinstalled ZA and installed a trial of McAfee 
Personal Firewall.  TB froze once, but at least I was able to kill it successfully 
through the Task Manager.  Looks like ZA was indeed the culprit.
Jim McMaster                            

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