I am now the proud owner of two registered copies of TB!

One is version 1.6, and the other (purchased just last week) is the
latest version... 2.1, I think.

I have a small personal LAN, on which I am the only user.

What I want to do, is have a single folder for email messages, and the
other stuff that is normally saved to the TB! data folder, on my
server, and both versions of TB! able to access it and write to it...
but never at the same time, since I am only one person, and will never
have both TB! programs open at the same time.

If this is possible (as in no conflicts between the two versions,
etc.), I would be grateful in advance, to anyone who would point me to
the 'how to' page... if one exists.

At the moment, the new version doesn't have any messages to speak of
in it, just a few folders and test messages that I set up, in a single
account, to play around with, so I will plan on just deleting that
folder, and pointing it to the working folder from the 1.6 version,
once it is moved over to my server.

Thanks in advance, for any suggestions.

-wittig http://www.robertwittig.com/
If you have to lie, to sell it... don't.

Current version is 2.12.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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