Hi, Marck,

>> POP.

MDP> Do you have TB set up to prompt you for the POP password or have you
MDP> stored it in TB? If TB is prompting you then maybe the correct
MDP> password is not available for TB to use in the POP before SMTP
MDP> setting.

No, it's stored in TB, and we made sure the password is the
correct one.

MDP> Certainly NOT. Port 25 is the SMTP port.

OK. :)

MDP> The workaround your ISP gave you was to do a login to the POP server
MDP> using your POP credentials before sending messages using standard
MDP> SMTP. That is: POP before SMTP authentication. When you say:

MDP> telnet (my server name) 110
MDP> user (my username)
MDP> pass (my password)

MDP> Was the username and password any different from the normal username
MDP> and password? If they gave you a different set to use for this
MDP> purpose, the TB has a space in which to enter them under SMTP
MDP> authentication.

We changed the password, but we made sure the new one was entered
correctly in TB. It's the same set as for the normal user name
and password.

MDP> Since your ISP has been willing to ascertain that this "telnet"
MDP> workaround was needed, perhaps they will be good enough to explain
MDP> to you (and you can relay back to us) why standard POP before SMTP
MDP> authentication fails to work for you. I really should.

Ryan's going home tonight, but I'll try to make time
later this week to call and ask them. (The day job will interfere
with that for a few days!)

>> I don't think so. Each account has the correct "from" name in the
>> transport stuff (including user names and passwords). Those
>> should match the account, not necessarily my ISP info, right?

MDP> Now you have me confused. Or do you. We're talking about the login
MDP> details for your email settings, not the login to your ISP PPP
MDP> access (dial-up).

Sorry--the login details for my email settings and ISP settings
are the same (I have DSL). I have the "home" account, @qwest.net,
the fastmail account (a Web-based account I have fwded to TB),
and a third forwarded from a Web site.

For each of them, I have TB configured to send through the "home"
Qwest server, and to retrieve through the respective
accounts, including the respective usernames and passwords.

Is this more clear or am I completely misunderstanding you?


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