Wednesday, September 1, 2004, 12:25:03 PM, you wrote:

M> Hello Martyn,

>>> TB! is just a huge let down now :( I hope Ritlabs go bust, nobody
>>> should pay for TB!3, it just isn't worth the money.
>> I think that's a bit harsh - I wouldn't wish anybody to be unemployed.
>> People do have the choice whether or not to buy it - the upgrade is not
>> being forced down anybody's throats.

M> I fully agree with you. And it also shows a complete lack of respect for
M> those of us who, after all and aside of other issues, think the upgrade
M> is worth the money it costs.

Sorry if I offended anyone. I didn't mean to but you have to
understand where I am coming from? Ritlabs are pretty much screwing
over all its users. I bought both V1 and V2 and I don't think that
anything added in V3 warrants it being a "major" upgrade from V2.

Perhaps the problem was how Ritlabs announced this? I think they
should have put an announcement on there site for the past month or
so, then it wouldn't be such a big shock. Also they should have called
2.13 beta the 3.0 beta to avoid confusion.

Also Ritlabs really need to improve there support. The e-mail address
they supply with TB! ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has never worked for me since
V1 yet they still use it as the "official" contact from in the

It isn't all that hard to have decent support. Get just one person who
knows the program inside out and pay them to reply to emails all day.
Other companies manage to do it just fine so I don't know why Ritlabs


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