On Wednesday, September 1, 2004 @ 6:36:56 PM, Martyn Drake wrote:


>> TB! is just a huge let down now :( I hope Ritlabs go bust, nobody
>> should pay for TB!3, it just isn't worth the money.

Martyn> I think that's a bit harsh - I wouldn't wish anybody to be unemployed.
Martyn> People do have the choice whether or not to buy it - the upgrade is not
Martyn> being forced down anybody's throats.

As long as the concept of promising bug fixes for ages and then just saying
"here, pay for this new version and we'll give the same promises as for the
last version" works for you, then I agree.


cheers, Mic (reply address works)
The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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