On Wednesday, September 01, 2004 it appears that Mike email (The Bat!)
wrote the following in regards to "[News] TheBat! 3.0 new version announcement 
**SPAM** **SPAMP2Pplugin BODY**":

MeTB> [snip] version  2 licence on
MeTB> 20th August after my 30+10 days free trial ran out and it stopped
MeTB> working. I could have waited 11 days,
MeTB> downloaded version 3 with another free trial and then just paid 40
MeTB> pence extra. For any further development and promised bug fixes now it
MeTB> looks as if
MeTB> I shall have to pay another 14 GBP. They have screwed me for
MeTB> £13.60 ]

Hi Mike.

Even tho I'm frustrated, you are frustrated & many others are
frustrated w the v2-> v3 licensing situation, I've always found the
RIT Lab guys a pretty reasonable group. They are senstive to many
groups, i.e. students, etc.

I don't imagine RITLabs telling you to stuff it if you explain your
situation to them.

I wouldn't assumed a screwing until it actually happens.

That's my .02

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
TB! v3.0 W2K v5.0 Service Pack 4

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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