Hello Alexander!

On Sunday, October 03, 2004, 3:05 PM, you wrote:

MB>> Maybe Alexander could send his image and handle .msl to us by PM?
MB>> I, for one, long to see him!

ASK> Behold, Maid Mary, for your white knight is here! [^)


ASK> Some of you here are missing Lynn's picture as well, so here 'tis...
ASK> http://www.neurwerx.de/images.zip (15k)

:(  This link did not work on Opera or IE6. *But* :girlcheer: I did
find you, the last among the trouted, at the Roguemoticons
Gallery--don't recall seeing you there this morning, but I *was*
frazzled. :grin:

Anyway, saved you to The Bat!/Images/rogues and manually put the .msl
line in rogues.msl, And there you are, young and chipper, in the

ASK> contains Lynn's & my picture as
ASK> well as the rogues.msl (I manually added my entry for now).

I had Lynn, already. :)  But--I didn't see her on the Roguemoticons
Gallery page?

ASK> Cheers!


Best regards,
The Bat! 3.0.1 RC3 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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