Hello Chris & everyone else,

on 18-Feb-2005 at 17:59 you (Chris) wrote:

> Because of its macros and templateing system, The Bat! has been
> considered a spam tool by some anti-spam companies.

AFAIK there once was a bulk email software that would create fake X-Mailer
headers. But, in that software one could also select "Outlook Express" as
mailer, and no one filters mails from that mailer. :-) The term "forged
MUA" indicates that the guys who made this antispam solution simply don't
know their stuff (or don't care), because TB is not forged, but a genuine

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

Egotist: a person more interested in himself than in me. -- Ambrose

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