Hi Alexander,

On Fri, 18 Mar 2005, at 23:33:21 [GMT +0100] (which was 3:33 PM where
I live) you wrote:
ASK> I only worked a little bit with IMAP. Using MAPI was totally
ASK> horrible, TB would re-sync its folders every time I started
ASK> another fetch/receive cycle... not funny with my Exchange mailbox
ASK> at work that contains thousands of messages.

Ugggh.. That isn't good. We're finally migrating 4,000 users off Lotus
Notes to Exchange, and I'm looking to keep TB instead of using OWA.
Don't get me wrong. OWA is pretty nifty for a web app, but it doesn't
have near anywhere the functionality I have with TB.

Leif  -:-  TB Lists Moderator  -:-  PGP Key ID 0x7CD4926F

Tagline of the day:
Born ugly and built to last. 

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