Hello Leif Gregory & everyone else,

on 19-Mrz-2005 at 02:45 you (Leif Gregory) wrote:

> Ugggh.. That isn't good. We're finally migrating 4,000 users off Lotus
> Notes to Exchange, and I'm looking to keep TB instead of using OWA. Don't
> get me wrong. OWA is pretty nifty for a web app, but it doesn't have near
> anywhere the functionality I have with TB.

You can still use IMAP to connect to your Exchange server - over the LAN it
works pretty smooth, though you have to take care of some specialities like
local vs. server-side "sent mail" folder, that sort of thing...

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

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