--- "Alexander S. Kunz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Did you try version 2 as well? (the latest was
> v2.12)

Just for fun I went back to a 1.53 version and the
problem still showed itself. I do have a 2.12 to try
if you think that would help, but at this point, I'm
thinking the result would likely be the same.

> You mean the first mail that appears after you
> installed it, and not the
> "splash screen" with the bat, right?

Right, the "welcome email" that shows up unread in the
inbox after installing.
> We have to try and find out what could be causing
> this. Which OS are you
> running (Bob Morris is running XP-SP2 and so do I,
> so thats not the
> problem), and furthermore, which other applications
> are running? Virus
> scanner, firewall, something in the background (a
> desktop search that wants
> to index TB's messagebase for example), anything...

I am running XP-SP2. I don't know if the list accepts
attachments, but I'm attaching a HijackThis log.

What I can say as far as things that may have, in some
odd way, initiated this is that things stopped working
when my roommate used my computer. I know how that
sounds... :p He said that he wanted to FAX a PDF to
someone. When he tried to open the PDF he got some
message about needing to install Microsoft Journal
Viewer. Not knowing anything, he went ahead and tried
it. The install failed somehow and crashed the
computer. When I got home and tried to use TB! and
finding it not functioning, I tried to do a "Repair"
on the TB! install using the installer. That popped up
a message about there being a failed MS Journal Viewer
installation and asked if I'd like to clear the bad
registry entries (or something like that). I agreed
and the repair went through and all indicated thumbs
up. Still, the behavior of TB! crashing never changed.
Just to make sure things happened thoroughly, I tried
fully installing the MS Journal Viewer and then
uninstalling it to make sure everything was cleaned
up. I also ran a RegClean.

I'm not real sure what else to try or what effect the
MS Journal Viewer might have had, if any. I have
considered rolling back my system to a restore point
prior to when all of this started, I'm just worried
about everything else that would impact (as it has
been almost three weeks now) so I wanted to know
whether there was absolutely no solution before going
ahead with that.

Thanks for the help so far, folks! :)


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