Curtis wrote:

> Keyboard shortcuts and toolbars are fully configurable now.

Ah cool thanks.

> I have my setup using single key navigation buttons as with Agent. Just
> right click on toolbar area and select 'customise'.

Ugh, it looks like a big task.  Ah well, at least I can do it.  :)

> The standard headers can be added by right clicking the header bar and
> selecting them from the menu. The POP-file headers you'll have to add
> them via the 'Edit Headers' panel. Create the headers so that they're
> displayed in the list of headers for the header bar and then add them.

Ah ha, I didn't see the bit that said "non-scrollable" or whatever,
since in the default window layout of that page, that column is not
visible.  (UI tip: make things that people need to see actually
visible by default.  <g>)

> No. TB! will not Alt-L reflow and maintain the hanging indent. To
> overcome this, I write the paragraph indented and without the numbering.
> When finished, I insert the number at the first line.

Yeah, I did that too, but unfortunately editing the paragraph requires
a reflow, which takes the indent out.  Others have suggestions that I
have yet to try.

>> 5) Is there a way to automatically file replies in the same folder
>> that contains the message I'm replying to?

> Not as in Agent. You'll need to use Outgoing message filters that move
> outgoing message copies to particular folders of your choice.

Ok.  That's too bad; it seems like a standard thing to add to the
folder config window, or maybe even a macro: %FileInFolder="Whatever"

Ahh well, the filters on outgoing messages work ok.

>> 6) I like threading some folders by references/subject, but then I
>> have to put the subject as the first field on the left.

> Not necessarily. That's the default setting. You can setup you columns
> however you like using the View Modes setup in the preferences.

Huh weird.  When I tried this upon installing 3.50 or 3.51, it started
threading by message status.  I thought it was weird, but figured that
there must have been some requirement that the "thread by" field had
to be left-most.  Ahh well, glad it (now) actually works as I would have
hoped.  ;)

>> 8) When I create folders for IMAP accounts, I want to create those
>> folders on the server.  How can I do this?

> Simply creating the folder right there in TB! creates one on the server.

I had a big mess on my hands with this one.  I created the folders,
then went left.  Hit the server from another client, and the folders
were not there.  Went back to my TB! setup where I made the changes in
the first place, and the folders weren't there anymore!  I tried
Outlook and Opera, as well, and they didn't see the folders either.
There was no %APPDATA%\The Bat! folder on my machine, either.

I was spooked, but I connected and reconnected to the server enough
times that one more connect attempt from TB! revealed that the folders
were actually there...  <phew>

> However, be careful nesting and unnesting IMAP folders from within TB!.
> This can create problems for some servers. I do that sort of thing via
> the web interface for my IMAP account.

Yeah, our server requires parent folders to have a trailing forward-
slash.  No matter for me; I'm not nesting folders for that account

>> 9) What are the "document" icons in the status window for?

> What are you referring to as the status window?

Sorry, I meant "status bar."  Across the bottom I have four icons that
seem to do with document generation, then "English" (input locale?).
Then "Stream" (selection mode), "Insert" (v. overwrite), an icon for
"Priority" (I assume), and then two icons with checkboxes that I can't
figure out. 

thanks a bunch,


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