Hello Stephane,

On Sun, 26 Mar 2006 you wrote in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

SBM> If you do not like to preview your messages wide, why did you keep your
SBM> preview pane wide ?  

Because I have a three pane setting. Folders list full length on the
left then Message list at the top and Message pane below that. I like
the Message list wide so that I can see the full thread history of the
topic under discussion but still like me messages at about 72 Characters
wide, which they are with most posters ;-)

SBM> But why requesting that the sender must use hardwrap because you've
SBM> requested your mail reader to display 130 characters per line and
SBM> that you prefer 80...

You can't request a person to alter the width of their sent mail but
it's just that a narrower mail width is far easier to read.

SBM> it's not the fault of the sender if your mail reader is wrongly
SBM> configured...

It's maybe an option that should be asked for in TB! then, that incoming
mail, if longer than the stipulated length chosen by the recipient (in
my case 72 characters) that the mail has a sort of automatic "ALT" + "L"
performed on it (as you can do when quoting long lines in a reply with
MicroEd) to set the mail to the desired width, whatever the width of the
preview pane?

SBM> the peoples who do not want to see html in a mail (as i)

and me

SBM> , should also refuse hardwrapping...

I don't see the logic of that exactly because hardwrapping is just
making the message (for some) easier to read and is a personal
preference that affects no one but themselves.


| The Bat! 3.72.04 (Beta) with SpamPal & POP3 account and no Plug-ins
| Windows XP (build 2600), version 5. 1 Service Pack 2
| F-Prot AV, Outpost Firewall Pro 3.0, Spysweeper, Adaware, SpyBot

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