I have three accounts in The Bat!

  Normally, when I create filters they apply to the specific account in
  which they were created. Later when a correspondent sends a message to
  that account it is filtered properly, assuming I have set the filter
  up properly. That is the behavior I would anticipate, and it is the
  behavior I see. All is good.

  But sometimes that same correspondent sends a message to one of my
  other accounts. And when that happens, his message is not filtered
  because the filter was defined, and therefore resides, in another
  account. Again, that is what I would expect, and The Bat! performs as
  it should.

  But I'd like to collect all messages from that same correspondent into
  one folder in one of my three accounts no matter which account he sent
  it to, and I'd like to do that automatically with filters. That, it
  seems to me, is one of the rationales for the use of "common filters."

  When I highlight a message and choose to create a filter for it, I
  find that there is a check box on the dialog to "create common
  filter." Therefore I have the option to create a common filter *from*
  any account when I'm on a message of the type I want to filter. That's
  good, I think.

  I conclude that if I want to filter all messages from a particular
  correspondent into a folder, regardless of the account to which it is
  sent, I should create a common filter for incoming messages from that
  correspondent. So I tested my thinking.

  I created a common filter for one of my correspondents that moves his
  messages into the folder of my choice, and it didn't work. Upon
  investigating the cause, I realized that I had to have the common
  filter apply to all accounts (an option for which is found under a tab
  that exists only for common filters). I changed that option and
  re-tested the filter, and now it works as I had anticipated.
  Excellent, says I.

  So now I have a way to create filters that apply to all accounts, and
  I've solved this particular problem. I wanted to share this musing
  with you, in the event that you too have a similar need.

  As I think about this strategy however, the only downside I see is
  that I must remember to check that "create common filter" checkbox.
  Unfortunately, remembering isn't one of my strong suits. So it occurs
  to me that it might be desirable to have the option to make "create
  common filter" a "sticky" selection, which is off by default but which
  a user can turn on if she or he knows the consequences and wishes to
  have The Bat! exhibit that behavior. Also, I think it would be helpful
  if The Bat! would prompt me when I save a common filter to specify
  which accounts I want it applied to, again because of the likelihood
  that I would forget to go to the common filter and specify that

  Do any of you agree this might be a desirable configuration option?
  And if I entered it as on Ritlabs' Wish List, would you support it? If
  not, what are the pitfalls you see or reasons why you don't think it
  is a good idea.

  Thanks for the benefit of your thoughts.

Using The Bat! v3.86.03 ALPHA (beta) on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600
Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.85.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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