Hello Perry!

On Tuesday, October 31, 2006, 8:20 AM, you wrote:

>>> Do any of you agree this might be a desirable configuration option?
>>>   And if I entered it as on Ritlabs' Wish List, would you support it? 

MB>> Speaking for myself, Yes, yes, yes!

MB>> Write the Wish List report, please.

>   Thanks for the support, Mary.

>   I think I'll hold off on submitting the wish until others have had a
>   chance to weigh in though.

Makes sense. You did ask for discussion, pro and con.

I would find it quite useful. I happen to have three accounts, and a
favorite relative occasionally writes to all three.

I read him by clicking on the MailTicker, and then I have to hunt the
message down, in one of two other inboxes, since that message didn't
come in to the account that filters him to his folder.

Not a really big deal, but multiplied by several, could get

I didn't have time to study your work-around and implement it. I'm
dealing with a number of other issues this morning, including a new
computer's vagaries.

But I copied your post to my Troubleshooting file, so I won't have to
do a search here when I'm ready to use it.

Best regards,
The Bat! 3.85.03 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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