Thursday, November 23, 2006, 7:27:29 AM, you wrote:

> On Wed, 22 Nov 2006 at 22:03:12 +1100, Tom wrote:
>> I would like to use different types of signatures depending on who I
>> communicate with. I am not using the function via the account (with
>> the exception of this one) as for me this would not be suitable.
>> Recipients are different and will require individual greetings.
>> Currently I use a template for this purpose and quickly
>> insert the signature that is appropriate.
>> I do think though that there is probably a more elegant way available
>> with TB?  Is it possible to "link" a signature to a recipient in the
>> addressbook? So each time I send an email to Joe Bloke my signature
>> will automatically be A and if it is going to Jane Doe my signature
>> will be B? If this can be done (by macro?), I would appreciate any
>> assistance especially if it is geared to Non-Macro Experts.

> The approach I use is to store this information in the memo field in
> the address book.

Sorry but exactly is this memo field?

> I store signature, closing text, nickname and other information in the
> memo field. So an entry for David Smith might look like this:

> <aka>Dave</aka>
> <closing>Best Regards</closing>
> <sig>work</sig>

> Then I have a quick template to extract that information:
> ===================[ Start Get_Memo_Attribute ]=======================
> %Rem='

> Usage:
>    <attribute
> value>=%QInclude(Get_Memo_Attribute,"Tag","Default_Value")

> '%-
> %If:'%SetPattRegExp="(?im)^<%_1"%RegExpMatch="%ABToMemo"'='':'%_2'%-
> :'%If:+%SetPattRegExp="(?im)^(<%_1/>)"%RegExpMatch="%ABToMemo"+<>++:++%-
> :+%SetPattRegExp="(?im)^(?:<%_1>)(.*?)(?:</%_1>)"%RegExpMatch="%ABToMemo"+'%-

> ====================[ End Get_Memo_Attribute ]========================

> This looks in the address book entry for the individual for a
> particular tag (e.g. "sig" or "aka") and returns the text for that
> attribute if it exists, or the default value if it doesn't. So if you
> are using it for a signature name (and in the example of Dave Smith
> above, I would have a quick template called "worksig") you only have
> to put in a signature name when it is different from your standard
> one.

> If you want more information, I can provide you with the QTs I have
> that use this.

Similar to my follow up to Roelof, this is way beyond me. I don't
understand if this is something that I need to set up once and then
can retrieve easily with a few keystrokes or if I actually have to
remember these codes every time I needed to write an email?

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