Hello Richard,

Tuesday, July 17, 2007, 11:10:37 PM, you wrote:

RW> Hello Code,

RW> On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 you wrote in

C2>> If it wasn't for those darn spammers sending blank
C2>> messages with .pdf spam attachments lately, I expect it would be well
C2>> over 99% accurate.

RW> Here's what the author has just posted in the forum. Maybe that'll help
RW> you:

RW> Add the mask "pdf" to the black list of attachment types (Filtering |
RW> Attachments | File types). Only whitelisted senders will be able to send
RW> to you PDF documents in this case. The messages from unknown senders
RW> with PDF in attachment will be blocked.

I'm sure you/the author is right.
But that forces us/me to the white list path.
In that case I would even need a spam filter.
I would use the filters of TB! to blacklist everything except a personal 
whitelist. :-)
That said ideal spamfilters with whitelists don't exist.

Best regards,

Do movie producers still say lights, camera, and action when it is a dark scene?
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