Hello Richard,

Tuesday, July 17, 2007, 11:53:16 PM, you wrote:

RW> Hello Tony,

RW> On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 you wrote in

T>> I'm sure you/the author is right.
T>> But that forces us/me to the white list path.
T>> In that case I would even need a spam filter.

RW> Fair enough, I can understand your reticence. I was actually replying to
RW> Code2's post but it doesn't make it any the less relevant to you though.
RW> I have found Antispansniper to be a very reliable add on to TheBat! I've
RW> only had 5 false positives out of nearly 16,000 messages since I started
RW> using it. Not a bad percentage I think, and the "pdf" filter has already
RW> worked.

Thanks for your replies Richard.
I've installed AntispamSniper 15 minutes ago.
To short to give real comments about it but at first sight it seems to have 
everything I need.
That combined with your poitive comments and a quite lively support forum I 
have good hopes....

Best regards,

Pol-I-Tics poli meaning many, ticks meaning small blood sucking parasites.
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