Hello one and all,

I currently have TB! setup to perform a backup every 4 days @ 0230hrs.
Apparently, this can happen only if TB! is running @ 0230hrs, which,
of course, it usually isn't. The consequence of this is that the
backup will start at some random time while I'm trying to take care of
fetching, reading and answering my latest emails. The backup progress
window pops up and cannot be minimized. No reading or answering email
can be done during the backup and I have no choice but to wait till
the backup is completed or cancel the backup to make the backup window
go away.

Is there a way to minimize the window during the backup so I can
continue handling my emails or do I just have to make sure TB! is
running every 4th day @ 0230hrs?

My apologies if this has been discussed before but I just don't
remember seeing this topic.

Jack LaRosa                  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Conveying information with The Bat! ver: 3.99.3
Operating? with Windows XP Pro ver 5 build 2600 Service Pack 3

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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