Monday, June 2, 2008, 4:12:06 AM, you wrote:

JSL> Hello Dwight,

JSL> Sunday, June 1, 2008, 4:43:05 PM, you wrote:

DC>> On Sunday, June 1, 2008, 3:46:35 PM, Jack S. LaRosa wrote:

>>> What won't work? Reading mail? Are you confirming the machine is
>>> essentially locked during the backup?

DC>> No. The machine isn't tied up at all. You just can't get the bat do do
DC>> a backup and do other things at the same time. Makes sense to me. 

JSL> OK. Thank you Dwight and Roelof for the information. I never tried to
JSL> do anything else with the machine except work in TB while the backup
JSL> was in progress.

JSL> Now, if I may beg the audience's indulgence again on this topic - I
JSL> currently have the "standard" backup (not an 'update' backup)
JSL> configured to create a backup file called
JSL> F:\autobackup-%DATE(yyyy-mm-dd)-%TIME(hh-mm-ss).tbk. I assume this
JSL> would cause a backup file to be created with the filename
JSL> F:\autobackup-2008-06-02-xx-xx-xx.tbk with the Xs replaced with the
JSL> time of creation. My F: drive holds all of my machine's backups.
JSL> Because of this discussion I looked at my F: drive and noticed that
JSL> the most recent TB! backup file was named: F:\autobackup.tbk with an
JSL> OS timestamp of 03/25/2008. The backup which caused me to start this
JSL> discussion was run a couple of weeks ago and was allowed to run to
JSL> completion. But where did it go? And as you can see, the last backup
JSL> file is called simply autobackup.tbk without any time/date info as
JSL> part of the filename.

JSL> I'd like to experiment with this file naming protocol and find out
JSL> where the last backup went. Is there a way to manually start TB!'s
JSL> backup at will?

While you await an expert reply, I do manual backups using:



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 Using The Bat! v4.0.24 on Windows XP
5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2          

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