[Reply to: »Gene Brown« · 2009-05-19 · 01:06 h (CET)]

Moin, Gene!

> This has annoyed me for some time and I'm only now getting around to
> asking about it because it's not really a big deal.  When composing
> an email message, my preference is to put two spaces after a period
> (full stop) in the message, but the TB editor insists on only one
> space.  Even when I go back and try to insert an additional space,
> the editor corrects (?) it to a single space.  Is there a way to fix
> this?

MicroEd? – Try Options|Preferences…|Viewer/Editor|Editor preferences:

a) Disable Automatic Formatting


b) Enable "Double space between sentences"

HTH & Cheers!

- --
Direct eMail without [The Bat!] in subject line will end in Nirvana!
Using The Bat! (BETA) [Pro] on Windows XP [Pro] Service Pack 3.

»Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible
exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws.«

Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001), »The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy«

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