Hello Tim,

Friday, May 21, 2010, 8:14:42 PM, you wrote:

Tim> Hello TBUL,

Tim>   Just curious but how do you all deal with Spam? Do you have a
Tim>   favorite spam filter that you use with TB. I haven't been able to
Tim>   find anything that has worked that well with TB to control Spam.
Tim>   Thanks in advance for your input!!!

I use Antispam Marisuite for The Bat! v1.7.2
At  the  start  it  missed about 30/100, and did a false pos on
15/100. After a week or so, of teaching Antispam Marisuite
which  is  what  and  what  is  which,  it has only messed up 2 times,
marking the e-mail spam, when it was not and missed 1 spam and did not
catch it.
I  have about 50 to 60 e-mails a day and I check the Junk Folder every
couple of days, just to make sure.

The  BEST  part of Antispam Marisuite for The Bat! is it integrates in
to  The Bat!, after using Outlook Express for years and trying to find
a good spam program..........

Best regards,
 Chasonek                            mailto:chaso...@hughes.net

All Mail Virus Checked on it's way out,
AND Virus Checked And Spam Checked on it's way in.

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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