Mo DeJong wrote:
> I am not sure what volatile has to do with anything. I was under the
> impression those were for serialization.

Volatiles are potentially useful because loads/stores are guaranteed to
occur in order (if the VM is implemented correctly).  There are certain
idioms based on volatile that produce correct behavior in multithreaded
code even without `synchronized' blocks.

> GC in the Tcl core would be really cool. Lets face it, all those
> incr and decr ref counts are hard to use. If you forget one, BLAMO!
> You code dies and you need to go figure out where things got hosed.

Yep.  I do have GC patches for 8.3.1, if anyone is brave and/or

> Lets focus on how we can implement a thread safe JNI method
> that will store a list of Tcl internal reps that need to be
> freed by the Tcl interp. We need to do this in such a way
> that all Java refs for that object are dropped from the
> Tcl side without calling any other JNI or Tcl methods.

OK, how do you want to proceed?  I'm thinking about thin locks, but I
don't know how they can be done portably and reliably.  SPARC users can
use ldstub, for example...

Jeff Sturm

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