Hi Ted,

Am 24.07.15 um 04:24 schrieb Ted Hardie:
Hi Martin,

Thanks for the correction, but I confess I'm still a little confused.  I
understood in the room that you saw rough consensus on the list to go
forward with both, based on the call that went to the list and ended on
the 20th.  This was something Mirja and I both argued for, and the
minutes note you saying "Martin: look at the mailing list. There is
consensus about adopting both. There is tine to work on both."

When I saw the message, I thought that you were confirming on the list
that this was the way forward, but this message appears to re-open the
question from the start.  I'd really rather we didn't start over again.
Can we start with the sense of the room/previous list consensus instead,
and look only to see if there is a groundswell of objection from those
not in the room?

I have not, mind you, looked at the recordings yet, and if you would
like to before making a further adjustment, I'd certainly understand.

This call is a simple procedural step:
There were hums in the session on whether to go for just a), just b), or both. This call is simply to confirm the hums out of the WG session on the list, no more.

Everything out of the a WG meeting needs to be confirmed on the mailing list. I do not think that anybody is disagreeing about this, right?





On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 11:16 AM, Martin Stiemerling <mls.i...@gmail.com
<mailto:mls.i...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Dear all,

    **Please use this CORRECTED version, as one option to choose from
    below didn't make it into the original.****
    Thanks to Erik Rescola for pointing this out to me directly.

    This point got lost on the mailing list, but it has been decided in
    the WG session here at IETF-93 that there will be a Last Call for
    consensus about which document of the below ones to take as starting
    point for the WG.

    Here are the two drafts:
    a) draft-rescorla-tcpinc-tls-option-03
    b) draft-bittau-tcpinc-tcpcrypt-03

    Please respond to the tcpinc wg mailing list until

        July 31st, 2015
        1pm CEST

    on wether you prefer
    - either draft a) or b)
    - both drafts (a & b) as WG items
    - or none

    to be accepted as WG item(s).

    Please write also your brief reasoning on why you made your choice.

    Please note that accepting a draft is not the end of working on the
    technical content of the draft, but it is actually the starting
    point when the WG has full change control about the content of the


       Martin Stiemerling
       Transport Area Director

    Tcpinc mailing list
    Tcpinc@ietf.org <mailto:Tcpinc@ietf.org>

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