Here are the two drafts:
a) draft-rescorla-tcpinc-tls-option-03
b) draft-bittau-tcpinc-tcpcrypt-03

on wether you prefer
- either draft a) or b)
- both drafts (a & b) as WG items
- or none

to be accepted as WG item(s).

Please write also your brief reasoning on why you made your choice.

Please note that accepting a draft is not the end of working on the
technical content of the draft, but it is actually the starting point
when the WG has full change control about the content of the draft!

Both drafts can work as the starting point and neither are yet good enough, but I vote for b) draft-bittau-tcpinc-tcpcrypt, because I believe it having the best chance to be morfed into a _simple_ protocol (simpler perhaps than with TLS). Another reason is I fear using TLS makes the wait to get this out much longer as it depends on other WG. Kernel vs user space arguments aren't really important and documents shouldn't be selected based on that (either can be implemented in kernel or user space). There are many good reasons to vote for TLS and learn from it.

I vote for b) keeping in mind that once the work starts I would expect that the following be worked on:

 - Key exchange during TCP handshake (as such the new ENO draft is iffy)
 - Ability also for server side to start (attempt) tcpcrypt if client


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