On Tue, Jan 05, 2010 at 01:24:42AM -0500, Alex Goncharov wrote:
> Booted NetBSD 5.0/amd64 with no problem -- but with ACPI "errors
> noise" on the console.  Rebooted w/o ACPI -- the console is clean.
> Installed 5.0.1, via FTP. (Again, what a beautiful installer NetBSD
> has!...)
> ACPI -- errors on the console.
> ACPI off -- no SMP (apparently, a known problem).


You know, it would help if you would include the most basic data in an
unmanagled form. acpiec0 is clearly complaining during your boot about
not being able to install an handler for the region. Pretty much
everything else is fallout from that. Now, given that you insist on
reorder the output etc, I can't tell what is going on...


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