On Fri, 8 Jan 2010, David Holland wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 07, 2010 at 12:44:07AM -0500, Alex Goncharov wrote:
>  > But:
>  >
>  >    man -S N STRING
>  >
>  > to work, and
>  >
>  >    man -S N -k STRING
>  >
>  > not?...
> I think you're looking for man -s, which works fine. I didn't even
> know -S existed.

its a GNU thing (and, FreeBSD uses GNU man btw).

the CVS commit for our "-s" states that it follows the SysV convention,
except that you can't provide a list eg "-s 2,3". I don't know where GNU
got their inspiration from or why they used -S instead (-s is unused).


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